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Make 2022 your most animal and climate-friendly year yet.

Start your vegan journey and enjoy 10% off on all Veganuary Specials

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As time goes on, it becomes more and more important to live in harmony with our fragile Earth.

Veganuary is one small contribution you can make towards this goal. It doesn't just mean eating less meat or dairy - many animal products contain geo-engineering substances that are having detrimental impacts on the environment, not to men­tion is the fact that it's a brutal business. If everyone in the world today was to adopt a vegan diet, we would save over half a million animals' lives, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2.5 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent.


Veganuary which happens throughout the month of January, can be a great start of your vegan journey. Since 2017, each Veganuary we offer exclusive discounts for our vegan cakes and this year is no different so what are you waiting for? It might be time to make 2022 your most animal and climate-friendly year yet.

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